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Pair 1 NS - Maureen Jakes / Abigail Wanigaratne
Place: 1, Percentage: 63.54%
Board No vs Pr ContractLeadResult  Score  Matchpoints%   
Board 12: Judy Kitcher / Christine Young2H W8-110562%  
Board 22: Judy Kitcher / Christine Young5H E11-450338%  
Board 32: Judy Kitcher / Christine Young3NT W11-66000%  
Board 43: Peter Mellish / Gilly Hogarth4S N10620675%  
Board 53: Peter Mellish / Gilly Hogarth3D S10130788%  
Board 63: Peter Mellish / Gilly Hogarth5D E101008100%  
Board 74: Sue Downs / Steve Ronay4S N11650450%  
Board 84: Sue Downs / Steve Ronay3S W11-2007.898%  
Board 94: Sue Downs / Steve Ronay3H N8-505.265%  
Board 101: Isabel Michie / Warwick Newton1S S9140450%  
Board 111: Isabel Michie / Warwick Newton2D W8-90675%  
Board 121: Isabel Michie / Warwick Newton3NT W11-460225%  
Board 135: Peter Franzmann / Siegrid Couchman4H N116508100%  
Board 145: Peter Franzmann / Siegrid Couchman2D S11150788%  
Board 155: Peter Franzmann / Siegrid Couchman3H N9140788%  
Board 162: Judy Kitcher / Christine Young2H E8-110450%  
Board 172: Judy Kitcher / Christine Young3NT E10-43000%  
Board 182: Judy Kitcher / Christine Young3H N6-30000%  
Board 193: Peter Mellish / Gilly Hogarth3H E72008100%  
Board 203: Peter Mellish / Gilly Hogarth2H W7100562%  
Board 213: Peter Mellish / Gilly Hogarth3C E10-130675%  
Board 224: Sue Downs / Steve Ronay3NT N12490788%  
Board 234: Sue Downs / Steve Ronay1NT E6100675%  
Board 244: Sue Downs / Steve Ronay3S S12230675%  

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