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BREAKING NEWS: THE CLUB WILL BE OPEN FOR THE USUAL FRIDAY AFTERNOON SESSION TODAY. Come prepared in case it's wet and windy on the way home. [posted Fri 7-Mar-25]

NEWS FLASH - THERE IS A GAME ON TODAY: Due to Cyclone Alfred's delayed arrival the club will be open for a normal afternoon session today - Thursday 6 March [posted Thu 6-Mar-25]

CANCELLATIONS AND DEFERRALS DUE TO CYCLONE ALFRED: THURSDAY AND FRIDAY SESSIONS OF THE NOOSA GNOT HEATS HAVE BEEN CANCELLED AND THE AGM SCHEDULED FOR 10.30AM THIS FRIDAY HAS ALSO BEEN DEFERRED TO A LATER DATE. There is a chance that normal Friday and Saturday sessions will be run at NBC subject to Alfred's movements and hopefully the all day Sunday session of GNOT Heats can still take place. PLEASE MONITOR THIS SITE FOR REGULAR UPDATES TOMORROW AND THROUGH THE WEEKEND AND ADVISE OTHER MEMBERS. Oh, by the way an NBC member who chooses not to use their first name was outed on social media soon after Cyclone Alfred formed. [posted Wed 5-Mar-25]

More Queensland Mixed Teams Results: In the B Division it was all NBC, well almost. First were the Scott Team of Gary & Debbie Gibbards (Caboolture) and our own Lizzie Van Vugt and Julie Scott. Second were the Jadach Team of Anna Irminger, Peter Hagan, Anna Jadach and Eugenie Mooney with the Miller Team of Mark & Lorraine Miller, Hilary French and Grace Mathias in third place. The performance of all three teams was notable and is reflected by the fact that they played the top seeded 3 teams in the final round. [posted Mon 3-Mar-25]

Queensland Mixed Teams Results: Results are in for this event played over the weekend at NBC. First overall with a creditable 8 wins from 8 matches was the Magee Team of Terry Strong, Jill Magee, Therese Tully and Richard Ward. They kindly donated their Winners' Trophy pens to the 24th placed Heatley Team. [posted Sun 2-Mar-25]

Late Mail from the Gold Coast Congress: In what was billed as possibly the final Gold Coast Congress it appears that all attending NBC members had a great time. In terms of results Sue Smith and Michael Huddart came a creditable 3rd overall in the Ivy Dahler Restricted Butler Swiss Pairs out of a field of 72. In the Restricted section of the Bobby Richman Pairs Championship Joanne McCarthy and Julia Caldwell came 5th overall in the Qualifying Event and took out the award of the Best Restricted Queensland Pair, while Anna Irminger and Eugenie Mooney won the D Final in this event. Congratulations to all. [posted Mon 17-Feb-25]

NBC Christmas Party 2024 - WOW!!!!: With almost half of our total membership in attendance this was an event fully enjoyed by all. To quote some What's App comments. "Jan and I can only speak for the last 24 Christmas Parties. Today was the best ever. Our congratulations and thanks to all who made it possible." Ed and Jan Beckett "Thanks everyone great day of bridge and fun. What a great bridge club we have, lucky we." Mike Stawski "Balthazar, Melchior and Casper the three wise Kings from the East thank all Santa's little helpers who make the NBC Christmas event so special!" Frank Farouk. Many other Christmas Party photos are currently being downloaded and can be accessed under the "Photos" heading. [posted Fri 13-Dec-24]

Best Christmas Outfits - Christmas Party 2024: Very deserved winners of best Christmas themed outfits were that mismatched couple "One of the Three Wise Men" aka King Farouk aka our own special Frank and "The Grinch" aka Michelle Behrens. For absolute style its hard to go past Maddie Nielsen and Anna Jadach although the eclectic outfit of Lizzie French also deserves a special mention. "Mrs Claus" aka Erika Gartner was also in attendance dispensing Christmas chocolates, as usual, to all her happy opponents. [posted Fri 13-Dec-24]

Some of our wonderful 2024 NBC Volunteers: Apologies to those who missed the photo shoot but the thanks of all members go to all the volunteers who helped to make this such a great club in 2024. They include Dealers, Directors, Committee, Teachers, Michelle, Masterpoint compilers, Caddies, Kitchen helpers, Coffee Machine servicers and our newly appointed Handyman and other unnamed. A special thanks to Rosie Charles and Ann Coppard who made the Christmas Party such a wonderful event. [posted Fri 13-Dec-24]

Coolum Pairs Championships: Joint Noosa/Coolum club members featured in the recently concluded 2024 Coolum Pairs Championships. First overall for the second year in a row were Ann Mellings and Brett Middleberg while the team of Anna Irminger and Peter McNamee came a creditable third overall. Winners of the Intermediate Divison were Elizabeth Van Vugt and Maggie Murray and winners of the Novice Division were Ian Davis and Penny Roberts. Congratulations to all. [posted Sun 24-Nov-24]

Noosa Imp Pairs: The Noosa Imp Pairs completed last Sunday rounded off a most successful year of events run by NBC. With 40 entrants of which a third came from other clubs it proved a wonderful event for all participants. Against some very challenging competition Rosie Green and Maureen Jakes came from behind in the last round to be the overall winners with Larry Moses and Nikolas Moore in second place. Winners in the B Division were Susie Barlow and Gayna Ryan with runners-up Lizzie Van Vugt and Julie Scott. Thanks as always to all the volunteers who made it such a successful day and to our Tournament Director. [posted Mon 18-Nov-24]

Noosa Spring Pairs Winners: The two-day Noosa Springs Pairs were completed yesterday. Winners in A Grade were Philippa Barnett and Lizzie French, with Rosemary Green and Tim Ridley second and Anna Irminger and Eugenie Moodie third. In B Grade the winners were Larraine McCaffrey and Jenny Mawson with Barb Allen and Beulah O''Shea second and Kathy Mitchell and Keith Caldwell third. Congratulations to Directors, event organisers and those volunteers that put on drinks and nibbles at the end of the event. [posted Mon 28-Oct-24]

Noosa Novice Pairs Congress - A Lobb Family Double: The 2024 Noosa Novice Pairs Congress was held yesterday and in organiser Joanne McCarthy's words it was a "Fabulous Fun Day". Big congratulations to the Lobb family with Persephone coming first overall with partner Kerry Rutter and Steve coming first in B Division with partner Jack Baynes. Is this the start of both a Lobb and Baynes dynasty at NBC. Many thanks to all the helpers who contributed to such a memorable day and as always to ever friendly Director Steve Murray. Photos were somewhat marred by a brightly clad photo bomber. [posted Wed 16-Oct-24]

Noosa Novice Pairs Congress - Winners and Place Getters: Overall: First - Kerry Rutter and Persephone Lobb, Second - Greg Murray and Lorna O'Donnel, Third - Joanne McCarthy and Dave Reid, B Division: First - Jack Baynes and Steve Lobb. Second - Ann Coppard and Ingrid Allen, Third - Trevor and Lin Stafford [posted Wed 16-Oct-24]

Noosa Swiss Teams September 2024: Another great event was hosted by NBC on Sunday 8th September with a total of 26 teams contesting the Noosa Spring Swiss Teams event, 14 of those teams travelling from other clubs to attend. The youthful Langdon Team comprising ABF Youth Club and Brisbane-based club members were worthy winners on the day. Special thanks to returning Congress Coordinator Joanne McCarthy and her wonderful gang of helpers and to Director Peter Busch. Overall Winners the Langdon Team compromised Rachel Langdon, Seb Langdon Macmillan, Kate Macdonald and Nikolas Moore, 2nd were the Luck team and 3rd the Stoneman Team. In the B Division the winners were the Gibbards Team comprising Debbie and Gary Gibbards, Peter Gruythuysen and Ross Shardlow, 2nd the Nielsen Team and 3rd the Caldwell Team, the latter two teams carrying the flag for NBC in creditable performances [posted Sun 8-Sep-24]

Caloundra Cleans Up - Interclub Teams 2024: Congratulations to first time winners Caloundra BC who were deserved victors in the 2024 Interclub Teams event played at NBC last Saturday. The four competing teams, Caloundra, Coolum, Sunshine Coast and Noosa were able to field multiple teams in all grades. Catering and organisation on the day were first class as usual and a fabulous day was had by all. Thanks to Director, Peter Busch and to the many organisers and volunteers who contributed their valued time and efforts. Noosa BC members are eagerly anticipating the 100km round trip to Caloundra next year to reclaim the trophy. [posted Sun 18-Aug-24]

Member Profile; Deirdre Fitzgerald: Susie Osmaston has done it again, revealing an absolute gem within our membership none other than that inveterate traveller, Deirdre Fitzgerald. A very down-to-earth lady that has brought credibility and humanity to the legal profession over a long and distinguished career. To many more cruises, Deirdre. See more... [posted Fri 16-Aug-24]

ProAm Winners 2024 - What Can We Say!: The Annual Pro-Am event was held yesterday, thanks go to Rosie and her team for managing the pairings without fear or favour. It was arguably our best ever and is fast becoming the favourite annual event. Winners were: A-NS Judy Kitcher and Di Jones, A-EW John Gill and Rhonda Kingston, B-NS Peter King and June Drysdale, B-EW (equal first) Dave Reid and Genevieve Burke / Leisha McMenamin and Ann Coppard. Our VP may have got slightly carried away with her congratulations (see photo) and sincere apologies to Dave and Genevieve who due to oversight missed their prizes and photos. Selected Members comments; Gilly Hogarth "A really happy occasion and a very good way to get so many members of our happy club mixing"; Mike Stawski "Love Pro-Am event"; Barb Allen "What a fabulous has left many members"abuzz"". [posted Mon 12-Aug-24]

Grandmasters Storm Home to Win Noosa Teams in 2024: After a somewhat sluggish start to the tournament the Ridley team compromising five Grandmasters hit their straps on Day 3 and established a solid lead by mid-afternoon which they never relinquished. Congratulations to the Winners, Philippa Barnett, Rosie Green, David Harris, Maureen Jakes and Tim Ridley. Second was the Huddart team of Meredith Bunn, Michael Huddart, Leisha McMenamin and Jean Pearce and Third the Jones team of Di Jones, Anna Irminger, Lois Meldrum, Ann Mellings, Eugenie Mooney and Allison Walker. The Winners won by a clear 33 Imps but the closeness of the competion is reflected by the fact that 2nd to 7th placings were only separated by 21 Imps. Thanks go to all players and the myriad organisers and helpers who made it such a great event. [posted Sat 27-Jul-24]

Noosa Bridge Club Swiss Pairs 2024 - WOW!: This event was run last Thursday with 40 competing pairs from around the Sunshine Coast. What a wonderful day it was and thanks must go to all the volunteers (too many to mention) who ensured it was such a great event. Thanks to Peter Busch for running the event with his usual panache, to the last minute bar staff, Barb and Steve, who by the look of the photo, thoroughly enjoyed their duties and a very special mention for Supercaddy, Ron Jadach, who in a solo, all day effort, chalked up over 14,400 steps. [posted Sat 22-Jun-24]

Swiss Pairs A Division Winners 2024: First: Maureen Jakes and Michael Huddart Second: Geoff Olsen and Adrienne Kelly Third: Alison and Ken Dawson [posted Sat 22-Jun-24]

Swiss Pairs B Division Winners 2024: First: Gayna Ryan and Julie Scott Second: Maureen Wright and Di Banks Third: Susie Barlow and Helen Lawson [posted Sat 22-Jun-24]

Swiss Pairs C Division Winners 2024: First: Kerrie Rutter and Julia Caldwell Second: Meredith Bunn and Joan Reeve Third: Louise Ryan and Persephone Lobb [posted Sat 22-Jun-24]

Member Profile; Karin Glenning: Susie Osmaston has excelled herself once again to produce a sparkling biography of club member Karin Glenning. The interesting life stories of so many of our members continue to amaze; A Star is Born. See more... [posted Thu 23-May-24]

Noosa Pairs Championships 2024: After an arduous 125 hands over 3 days and 4 sessions in which every pair played every other pair, we have deserved winners of the 2024 Pairs Championships in Maureen Jakes and Michael Huddart. In second place were David Harris and Tim Ridley followed closely in third place by Sheryl Cullenward and Ann Mellings. Congratulations to Organisers, Director Steve, Caterers, Caddies and all others who helped out and to all the players who contributed to a great event. [posted Fri 17-May-24]

QBA Mixed Teams 2024: Our club hosted the QBA mixed teams event over the weekend, and we were delighted to have 22 teams represented from SE Queensland in a very strong field . The competition was played as one field but divided into two grades for prize monies. The winners of the A grade were the Solomon team, who dominated the field , holding on to their No 1 spot for the last 6 matches. This team was made up of Ken Dawson, Alison Dawson, Ian Afflick and Janeen Solomon. Runners up were team Ward and coming third were the Smith team. In the B grade we had the team from Caloundra, team Davies coming out on top with members Bob and Siobhan Davies, Bob Hannam and Ian Pitts. The Delgado team came second followed by team Scott. Congratulations to all. Thank you to director Peter Busch for managing the field so well and special thanks to congress director Joanne McCarthy for all her hard work, plus her team of helpers, caddies, kitchen and bar staff and all the members who donated cakes and slices. [posted Sat 2-Mar-24]

(C) Altosoft and Noosa Bridge Club 2025
Site template developed by Peter Busch, Altosoft
and content managed by Noosa Bridge Club 
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